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怜香惜玉的文案(生活 不会因为你是女生就怜香惜玉)

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-12-02 08:04:42    

不把自己变优秀 拿什么讨人喜欢

Don't make yourSelf better,what to like.

生生活 不会因为你是女生就会怜香惜玉.

Life will not be pity beceel itause you are a girl.

没有一种困难 是让你成为放弃的理由•

No difficulty is to make you a reason to give up.

做任何事 只要你不放弃 就有无限可能.

Do anything,as long as you gimitless possibilities.

翻脸不如翻身 生气不如争气

Its better to turn your face that to turn over.

不负时间的馈赠 努力活成自己喜欢的样子.

Don't degenerate into garbage if you kne ability.

你多一样本事 就少一句求人的话.

If you have more ability, you will h ask for others.


The Bantleness the world gives me is timely kindnessand clean you.

得不到的爱人终归是风 强留千百次也终究会走.

The lover who can't get is the wind,and the lover who can't get thousands oftimes will leave eventually.
